Three Important Tips for Managing Commercial Indoor Air Quality

Posted on: 26 March 2021

Pollution of the indoor air in a commercial building is a major problem, but it is often overlooked. Contaminants such as chemical particles, smoke and fungal spores are found in numerous workplaces. Still, pollution can remain undetected for a long time. This can be attributed to the coolness of the air circulated through the air conditioners. Moreover, the perfumed air fresheners used in the buildings might conceal the foul air. Unfortunately, the ignored poor air quality could cause harm to the workers, and the costs for your business could be high. If you are interested in improving your commercial indoor air, use these simple tips to achieve good results

Plan for Indoor Testing

You should think about commissioning indoor air testing by a qualified consultant. In general, controlling the contaminants in your commercial space will be difficult if you do not have a clear understanding of the pollution problem. Indoor air services are usually provided by specialist contractors. These professionals will conduct tests in your building and obtain clear results about the particular pollutants in your workplace. The report generated after the testing process can be used to guide the indoor air improvement process.

Manage the Contaminants

It is advisable to discuss the sources of the contaminants with your indoor air consultant. You should remember that the pollutants do not appear spontaneously. There are specific origins, and these must be managed for good indoor air. In most cases, common particles like dust, smoke and pollen come from the outdoor space. However, the contaminants could be coming from within your building. For instance, some chemicals used for cleaning might leave harmful residues, or some of your commercial equipment could be releasing dangerous exhaust. When you identify these issues, you should plan on preventing the continued release of the particles into your workspace.

Invest in Air Quality Solutions

You should plan on investing in suitable solutions for boosting the indoor air quality in your commercial building. Consulting a specialist for guidance is the best approach to preventing the accumulation of harmful pollutants. However, there are some steps that you can take to alleviate this concern even without professional help. For instance, you can use high-efficiency filters in your HVAC system to prevent the recirculation of particles. Make sure that these filters are changed regularly. You can also install air purifiers and humidity management appliances. Additionally, keep the workplace clean to prevent fungal growth and dirt accumulation.

Finally, it is important to plan for the long-term monitoring of indoor air quality. Talk to an air quality service for more information.
